Hi there, My name is Tony Cluley, a photographer living in Worcestershire. My first dabble in photography was motor sport, particularly hill climbs and rallying. I sent some pictures to my local newspaper and was lucky enough to write articles plus pictures for them following the exploits of local drivers in various hill climb events. Thus I got paid to take pictures! As I progressed I took on a few weddings and soon learnt that I had to get it right first time! Thankfully I never let anybody down, but it was a big learning curve. However with the birth of my daughters, photography took a back seat with only the obligatory children pictures. With the purchase of a Canon digital camera I took on the mysteries of digital imaging software. I am amember of Smethwick Photographic Society The advice given to me by members has been immense and totally worth while. I participate in club, National and International competitions. Some of my images were accepted and I was able to acquire my photographic awards. CPAGB - Credit award of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
© Tony Cluley |